After us, the future of agriculture looks like this:
▪ Results-based: Farmers and agricultural service providers deliver sustainable results from a social, environmental, and economic perspective.
▪ Innovation-driven and proactive: Farmers have access to all available solutions and innovations, while also encouraging their adoption, providing training and guidance when needed, and stimulating research, development, and innovation in the agricultural sector.
▪ Inclusive: Farmers from all types of farming (conventional, organic, others) have the strength to contribute to building sustainable agriculture, respecting the differences between regions and countries.
▪ Comprehensive and reliable: The social, environmental, and economic performance of agriculture is strengthened, considering the synergies involved in food production and ensuring that progress is measured, reliably monitored, reported, and verified.
▪ Practical and efficient: The principles of the European Union for better regulation, transparency, and science-based policy are followed, while ensuring coherence between different regulations.
We believe that through collaboration and action, we can progress towards sustainable agriculture. Our members invest in modern plant breeding techniques, accelerating the research process and developing more resilient varieties. The plant protection industry will invest €4 billion by 2030 to bring more effective biopesticide products to the market, while continuing to develop conventional plant protection products, seeking even more human- and environment-friendly options. Regarding precision and digital agriculture, we are committed to investing €10 billion by 2030 and are already developing applications to ease the work of farmers and strengthen the traceability of plant protection products.
As for us, the Romanian Crop Protection Industry Association (AIPROM) stands at the intersection of two major sectors of the economy: agriculture and the chemical industry. Today, both sectors are part of Europe’s grand green plan. Thus, AIPROM is part of the green revolution, engaging in green innovation, adopting and promoting green technologies, and supporting the competitiveness of both sectors sustainably. As has been repeatedly stated, and paraphrasing, there is no agriculture without green, and no green without agriculture!
AIPROM supports the green revolution through a balanced Green Deal.
We invite you to join us in pursuing our vision for a sustainable Romania through the means at our disposal, such as the SUSTENALANDIA Project.
Carmen Botez
Executive Director AIPROM (Crop Protection Industry Association of Romania)